How to Appeal a Property Tax Valuation in Salt Lake County & Utah County
Every year, around the second week of July, Utah homeowners receive valuation notices in the mail. If you own a home, you probably just got yours! These valuation notices are sent by county assessors. Their job is to evaluate all taxable property in the county (including your home) to determine the market value. Then, they adjust the property tax rate accordingly.
Homes typically appreciate in value over time, so it is normal to see a slight increase in your property taxes each year. However, in some cases, a home may be overvalued…which means the homeowner is taxed more than they should be. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, we have good news for you: it can be remedied! And we are here to help.
Here’s how to appeal your tax valuation:
Whether you live in Salt Lake County or Utah County, be sure to first call your trusted Sherpa agent! She will be able to conduct a CMA (Comparable Market Analysis), which will give you an estimate of your home’s true value. Alicia will help you determine if your home is indeed being assessed too high. If your home was overvalued, your Sherpa agent will print the CMA for you as “evidence” that you are being taxed too much.
Depending on which county you live in, appeals have different protocol:
Salt Lake County
Residents can file an appeal by mail or drop it off in person at the Board of Equalization’s office. Fill out this form, and include a copy of the CMA your Sherpa agent printed out for you. The address for the Salt Lake County Board of Equalization is:
2001 South State Street # N3-300/P.O. Box 144575
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4575.
Utah County
All appeals are done in person. You will need to call the Board of Equalization (801-851-8227) within 30 days of receiving the notice to let them know you would like to appeal. They will set up an appointment with you for sometime in August. When you go to the meeting, be sure to bring your printed copy of the CMA as evidence that your home was overvalued.
Both Salt Lake County and Utah County have great resources and FAQ sections, but if you have questions about appealing your property tax valuation, please give Alicia a call or request a CMA today.
As your Sherpa, Alicia’s goal is to guide, connect, and serve our clients on their journey through homeownership. If a situation like this occurs, we will help you make it right!